03 April 2008

Knowledge Sphere for Leg 4 locked up, IA updates

Well the Results for the Knowledge Sphere for Leg 4 (and subsequently the Treatise competition) have been posted. Looks like Spider got 1st & 2nd in the Treatise, with Dragon taking 3rd. This firmly cements Spider as top dog in Knowledge second leg in a row, netting them a temptation this go round. Good job guys!

Also Politics is now finished with the winners of the Design-A-School being announced:
1. Ikoma Brawler School - Lion
2. Baraunghar Ghost Guard School - Unicorn
3. Kitsu Ryukenzin - Lion
4. Aotora Poison Master Advanced School - Scorpion

This gives Lion a surprise upset and nets them both the Politics Sphere this leg AND the rights to a temptation for winning 2 spheres in one leg. Congrats Lion!

Following up with more Race news, the Contests for the Fifth Leg of the Race have been announced! Big new stuff is the Design-A-Castle, How to Play Video, and Best Charity Event for Politics, Knowledge, & Spirit points respectively.

In IA News, John Zinser has stated on the forums that the Herald goes out next week and has also announced that all IA members have received a $15 off any purchase (including Clan of the Month Packs) from the AEG store good thru the end of July! One per IA Member, yada yada yada.

02 April 2008

End of the Fourth Leg, more updates

Hey all, Todd has released the results from IA Drive for March:
1st Place - Crab
2nd Place - Dragon
3rd Place - Scorpion

This gives a 5/3/1 spread finalizing the spirit sphere for leg 4. Congrats to Scorpion on winning Spirit.

They've also locked up the results for Military, going to Lion, and Economy, going to Mantis. 'Grats to all the clans on the toughest leg to date!

31 March 2008

Race Points Update

The Race points have been updated. This update only includes this weekends point gains. It doesn't include the 3 outstanding contest. Those should be posted later this week.


Week 6 Kotei's

This week starts the first Kotei's for Leg 5. Anyone who is anyone will be at one of these events. Hell even I'm going to be at one of these events. I'll give you a clue ..... it's named after some place in New York ;)

Tacoma, WA
Manhattan, KS
Valencia, Spain
Manila, Philippines
Pretoria, South Africa

Week 7 will see those who are willing to fight the good fight at

Gatineau, QC, Canada
São Paulo, Brazil
Colorado Springs, CO
Sheffield, UK
San Diego, CA

The Kotei's with out links don't have a thread on the AEG forums that I could find. But if anyone knows of a thread or a forum that these event TO's or players might post too let me know and I'll link it.

Words & Deeds Pre-Release events

It has been announced to retailers today that the pre-release window for Words & Deeds will be May 16th through the 26th, putting the release date of the set as May 26th.

Given this information and the standard 30-day window before legality, no Kotei should be Words & Deeds legal as the legality date for the set will be June 25th, and the final Kotei is June 21st.

Make sure you talk to your local Dojo-Days store about getting in your pre-release kits!

More Kotei results

With the fourth leg ending, it looks like Lion has officially locked up the military sphere. Results from the last two weekends' koteis are in:

In Calgary, Canada, Jonas Solberg takes the Legion of Two Thousand for the Lion over Jerrod Moore's Cranes. Spirit points go to the Lion, Knowledge to the Scorpion, Politics to the Crab and Economy to the Crane.

In Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an unknown Crane begs a favor from Bayushi Sunetra after defeating the Lion. Spirit points go to the Scorpion, Knowledge and Politics to the Phoenix and Economy to the Lion.

In Sasketoon, Canada, Case Kiyonaga invents a new martial arts style for the Crab while beating Jerrod Moore of the Crane. Spirit points go to the Lion, Knowledge to the Mantis, Politics to the Crab and Economy to the Crane.

In Budapest, Hungary, Ysarion Deichl claims Shiro Usagi for the Crane after defeating Michael Verdefiore of the Lion. Spirit points go to the Unicorn, Knowledge and Politics to the Scorpion, and Economy to the Mantis.

While complete results from Santiago, Chile are not yet in, we can say that Walbert Ibarra won the tourney for the Scorpion. Spirit, Knowledge and Politics points go to the Scorpion and Economy to the Spider.

In Cincinnati, Ohio, Chris Finger of the Lion beat Jason Aken of the Dragon. No word yet on what his final choice was. Spirit and Knowledge points go to the Mantis, Politics to the Scorpion and Economy to the Lion.