30 October 2007

Race for the Throne Leg 2 breakdown

Todd has posted a mostly-complete breakdown of all of the points awarded in Leg 2 of the Race here. I'm still working on him to include names, numbers and explanations for some of the points (like the pictures and send-ins that actually won).

European Championships: Legacy and booster draft tourneys

Two new storyline tourneys have been added to the European Championships. Untold Valor, a Legacy event, will result a story about a hero from the Clan Wars, while Guidance of Sun Tao, a booster draft, will result in a hero being given the ancient tessen of Sun Tao.

28 October 2007

Leg 3 Deadlines

Todd has added deadlines right next to the events on the list of events for the 3rd leg. So if you ever need to recall when something is due just check back with the events page where the deadline for an event will be posted.

Jade Championships

Just one week left before the next Jade Champion is determined. So if you haven't dropped by the web page to see whats new and exciting about the Jade Championship please do so. :)