06 December 2007

Koku Redemption Error

Thanks to an inventory error, AEG has been forced to re-issue the most recent koku redemption form with a different set of cards. Imperial Assembly members can access the new form in their account.

02 December 2007

Prayers and Treasures announced

A new RPG supplement has been announced: Prayers and Treasures will release early next year and will include large amounts of information spells, shugenja and enchanted items.

Lion wins Blood of the Anou

Aaron Barto playing Lion has won the Blood of the Anou tournament in Maryland, taking home 2 military points for his clan. Other points awarded were 1 economy to Corey Baehon (Dragon) for furthest traveled, 1 politics to Alex Jacobs (Dragon) for best clan attire, 1 knowledge to Matt Tyler (Scorpion) for best theme deck and 1 spirit to Barry Kunz (Dragon) for best sportsman.